Walton Way Veterinary Clinic’s full-service in-house laboratory enables our veterinarians to perform diagnostic testing quickly, which helps us get a complete picture of your pet’s health in minutes. Blood and other laboratory tests identify conditions that may not be detectable during a regular examination, and regular diagnostics are essential to your pet’s good health!
Rapid Diagnostics, Faster Healing
If your pet is ill, the only thing you want is for them to feel better fast! Our quality on-site diagnostics laboratory allows our veterinarians to get answers in minutes instead of days. This means we can diagnose your pet’s condition as quickly as possible, immediately start the required treatment, and get them on the path back to good health.
Veterinary blood work testing is similar to human medicine. Routine tests that we perform daily include complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry panels, thyroid testing, heartworm testing, and fecal and urinalysis tests. Results from diagnostic testing can detect infection and anemia, determine electrolyte status and hydration levels, evaluate kidney, liver, and pancreas function, screen for thyroid disease, check blood sugar levels, and more. It is also imperative that blood work is completed before each surgical procedure so that our veterinarians will be alerted to any conditions that may cause complications.
Ask us today how our in-house diagnostics can help your pet!